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RIGOL DP811A Programmierbare DC Power-Supply, 1 Kanal, 200 W; 20 V / 10A (Low Range), 40V / 5A (High Range)

weitere Bilder:
EUR 679,00*
Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt

DP811A Programmable DC Power Supply

DP811A is a single channel,dual range with remote sense programmable DC Power Supply with pure output ,excellent performance ,various analysis function and abundant connectivities wihch can meet different testing need.

Feature and Benifits

  • 40V/5A、20V/10A,Single Channel,Dual Range with Remote Sense
  • Low Ripple Noise:
  • Excellent Linear Regulation Rate and Load Regulation Rate
  • Fast Transient Response Time:
  • Standard OVP/OCP/OTP protection functions
  • Standard Timing function
  • Built in V,A,W measurements and waveform display
  • Support Output Delay, Analysis, Monitor, Preset functions
  • Independent control for each channel
  • 3.5 Inch TFT Display
  • Connectivity: USB Host& Device, LAN(LXI Core Device 2011), RS232,Digital IO,USB-GPIB(Opt.)

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Datenblatt 2.5 MB
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