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Rigol DP811 Programmierbare DC-Power Supply, 1 Kanal, 200W, 20V/10A (Low Range), 40V/5A (High Range)

EUR 549,00*
Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt

Rigol DP811 Programmierbare DC-Power Supply

Die Rigol DP800 Serie besteht aus einem umfangreichen Modellangebot:

DP832A/DP832: 3 outputs, 30V/3A || 30V/3A, 5V/3A, total power up to 195W
DP831A/DP831: 3 outputs, 8V/5A || 30V/2A, -30V/2A, total power up to 160W
DP821A/DP821: 2 outputs, 60V/1A || 8V/10A, with remote Sense,
total power up to 140W
DP811A / DP811: 1 output, 20V/10A (Low Range), 40V/5A (High Range),
with remote Sense, total power up to 200W
Low ripple and noise: <350μVrms/2mVpp
Excellent linear regulation rate and load regulation rate
Fast transient response time: <50μs
Some channels are isolated
Standard OVP/OCP/OTP protection functions
Standard timing output
Built-in V,A,W measurements and waveform display
Independent control for each channel
Support more advanced functions: timer and delay output(standard),
recorder/analyzer/monitor/trigger(standard in models with "A" and optional in other models)
3.5 inch TFT display
Various interfaces: USB Host&Device(standard), USB-GPIB (optional),
LAN/RS232/Digital IO(standard in models with "A" and optional in other models)

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Zusätzliche Informationen:
Quick Guide 1.2 MB
Datenblatt 2.5 MB
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