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ULINKPro Isolation Adapter

EUR 220,00*
Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt

The isolation adapter is an optional accessory which provides electrical isolation between the target system and the ULINKpro debug and trace unit. Electrical isolation is essential when working with systems that may generate high-voltage spikes (for example motor control systems), or where there is no common ground plane. It uses digital isolation technology which enables it to support high-speed debug and trace as well as a wide target voltage range.

ULINKpro Isolation Adapter


  • Provides digital isolation up to 1,000 V (1 KV)
  • High-speed Debug - JTAG (15 MHz) and SWD (20 MHz)
  • Full-speed data trace capture (SWV)
  • Supports instruction trace capture up to 150 Mbps using 2 or 4-pin ETM
  • Enables timing synchronization with optional power measurement probes
  • Wide I/O voltage range 1.8V - 5.5V
  • External power (via USB connector) minimizes power taken from target
  • Supports 10-pin Cortex Debug and 20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM connectors

The isolation adapter replaces ULINKpro's standard 20-pin ribbon cable, and connects to either a 10-pin Cortex Debug or 20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM connector.

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