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5V Adapter für ULINKpro

weitere Bilder:
EUR 50,00*
Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt

ULINKpro 5 V Adapter

The 5 Volt (5 V) adapter enables ULINKpro to connect to 5 V-only target devices.

ULINKpro 5V Adapter


  • Expands the I/O Voltage range to 1.2 V - 5.5 V to accommodate 5 V-only devices
  • Supports JTAG and SW clock speeds up to 50 MHz
  • Provides full speed data trace capture (SWV)
  • Supports instruction trace capture up to 400 Mbps using 4-pin ETM
  • Supports 10-pin Cortex Debug and 20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM connectors

The 5 V adapter replaces ULINKpro's standard 20-pin ribbon cable, and connects to either a 10-pin Cortex Debug or 20-pin Cortex Debug + ETM connector.

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