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ULINK2 USB/JTAG Adapter for Flash Programming and Debugging

UVP: € 368,00
EUR 349,00*
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Aktuell verfügbar: 3 Stück
Frage zum Produkt

The Keil ULINK2 Debug Adapter connects your PC's USB port to your target system (via JTAG, SWD, or OCDS) and allows you to program and debug embedded programs on target hardware.



  • Supports various ARM7, ARM9, Cortex-M, 8051, and C166 devices
  • JTAG speed up to 10MHz
  • Serial Wire Debug (SWD) support for ARM Cortex-M based devices
  • Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) Data Trace for Cortex-M up to 1Mbit/s (UART mode)
  • Real-Time Agent with memory R/W during execution, terminal emulation, and serial debug output
  • Seamless integration with the Keil µVision IDE & Debugger
  • Wide target voltage range: 2.7V - 5.5V
  • USB powered (no power supply required)
  • Plug-and-Play installation using standard Windows USB drivers
  • Target Connectors
    • 10-pin (0.05") - Cortex Debug Connector
    • 20-pin (0.10") - ARM Standard JTAG Connector

ULINK2 may be used for:

Using the ULINK2 adapter together with the Keil µVision IDE/Debugger, you can easily create, download, and test embedded applications on target hardware.

Zusätzliche Informationen:
Datenblatt 455 KB
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