Frage zum Produkt
TBWA2 / 20dB Verstärker
The TBWA2/20dB and TBWA2/40db wideband amplifiers are connected between EMC probe and Spectrum Analyzer to increase the dynamic range of the measurements.
Technical Data:
Input: 50 Ohm, SMA
Output: 50 Ohm, SMA
Nominal supply Voltage: 4.5 - 5V, typ. 110mA, Mini-USB-B connector
Maximum supply voltage: 5.5V
Maximum input power: +10dBm
1dB output compression point @ 2GHz: +20dBm
3rd order output intercept point @ 2GHz, Pin = 0dBm/tone, Δf = 10MHz: +35dBm
Reverse isolation S12, 0.1 …6GHz: 23dB
Noise Figure @ 2GHz: 4.5 … 5 dB
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