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Option PreAmp 7,5 GHz für DSA875

EUR 559,00*
Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt

Pre Amplifier 100kHz - 7,5GHz für DSA875


PA-DSA875 (100 kHz to 7,5 GHz) option provides
preamplifier for DSA875. When the signal under measurement is small,
turning on the preamplifier can reduce the displayed average noise level; therefore,
you can distinguish small signals from the noise.
Press AMPT at the front panel. Then, press RF Preamp to turn on or off the
preamplifier. An icon  will be displayed on the left of the screen when the
preamplifier is on. As seen from the measurement result figures when the
preamplifier is off and on, small input signals can be measured by the analyzer when
the preamplifier is on.

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