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ARM DSTREAM-PT High Performance Debugger

Menge / Ausführung
Lieferzeit: ca. 1 Woche
Frage zum Produkt


The highest performance debug and trace solution


  • Debug on Arm processors from Armv4 to Armv8 and CoreSight trace
  • USB 3.0 and remote Gigabit Ethernet host connections
  • Code download speeds of up to 12 MB per second
  • JTAG clock of up to 180 MHz for lightning-fast software development
  • Serial Wire Debug up to 125MHz (standard single-ended signaling)
  • A wide range of target connectors
  • Flexible DDR trace clock timing up to 300 MHz (600 Mbits/s per pin)
  • Up to 32 pins parallel trace support (up to 19.2Gbps max trace bandwidth)
  • On probe 8GB trace memory store
  • Real-time dynamic monitoring to automatically calibrate trace sampling between clock edges
  • Support for up to 1022 CoreSight devices (including CPUs)
  • Remote target reset
  • Device bring-up and test utilities
  • Flexible architecture to support 3rd party IP and debuggers


Debug protocol JTAG and Serial-Wire Debug
Trace capture 32-bit wide trace capture at up to 300 MHz DDR (600 Mbit/s per pin)
Bandwidth Total trace bandwidth up to 19.2 Gbps
Interface Vref 1.2V - 3.3V (configurable by target)
Software requirements Arm Development Studio 2019.0 or newer (sold separately)

What's included?

Main probe debug unit and Parallel trace probe
Unified 5V power supply

Target connectors:

  • 20-pin Arm JTAG connector
  • 14-pin TI JTAG connector
  • 10-pin & 20-pin high-density CoreSight connectors
  • MIPI-60 (QSH) connector
  • Single (16 bit) and dual (32 bit) MICTOR 38 connectors

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